Employee Checks Entry

Employee Checks Entry Screens

Employee Checks Browse Screen

Employee Checks Entry Screen

Employee Checks Entry Screen - Tax Information

Employee Checks Entry Screen - Basic Information

Employee Checks Entry Screen - Deduction Detail

Employee Checks Entry Screen - Job Cost Entry - Browse Screen

Employee Checks Entry Screen - Job Cost Entry - Entry Screen


Employee Checks Data

Check Entry:

Tax Information:

This area contains information from the employee data file that is used in the calculation of the payroll check.  If any information needs to be changed for the calculation of this check only, it may be changed in this area without having any impact on the employee data file.  For example, if a different amount for federal withholding other than the calculated amount needs to be withheld on this check only, the ‘Withholding Amount’ in the ‘Additional Withholding’ box may be changed and the check will recalculate using the ‘Withholding Amount’.  Some items on this screen are informational only and cannot be changed.  For additional information regarding this area, please refer to the documentation in the employee area.

Basic/Wage Information:

This area contains information from the employee data file that is used in the calculation of the payroll check.  Certain any information may be changed in this area without having any impact on the employee data file (e.g. Address, Wage Information, and G/L Distribution Accounts).  For additional information regarding this area, please refer to the documentation in the employee area.

To auto-create Employee Checks:

Employee checks may be auto-created instead of entering a check one at a time. The checks for all employees can be created in seconds based on the default information in the employee files.

  1. From the Document Entry menu, choose Employee Checks.
  2. In the Employee Check Browse window, choose the Auto-Create Checks menu option at the upper left.
  3. Enter the following:
  4. When you have completed your entries, choose the Create Entries button to start the creation of checks for each employee to be paid in the selected pay periods.
  5. Choose the Cancel button if you wish to cancel the process.
  6. As the employee files are processed, the current employee being processed will be shown.
  7. When the process is completed, a message will appear "Employee Check Creation Completed.".
  8. Click on the Ok button to return to the Employee Check Browse window.

To clear an Employee Check batch:

You may clear an entire check batch at one time rather than delete each check individually. This is useful if tax tables were being reset and an entire check run needed to be recalculated or for any reason that you wanted to delete all checks in this run and start over with the auto-create or entry. The checks cannot be recalled after the deletion.

  1. From the Document Entry menu, choose Employee Checks.
  2. In the Employee Check Browse window, choose the Clear Batch menu option at the upper right.
  3. The "Delete all checks in this batch?" message will appear.
  4. Choose the Ok button to clear the check batch.
  5. Choose the No button if you do not wish to delete the checks.

To enter a new Employee Check:

  1. From the Documents Entry menu, choose Employee Checks.
  2. In the Employee Checks Browse window, choose the New button at the bottom right.
  3. Select the type of employee check to enter, either a computer check or a manual check. A computer check will be assigned a check number when printed/posted and printed on your dot matrix, ink jet, or laser printer. A manual check is an employee check that has previously been hand-written out your company checkbook.
  4. If the check type was manual check, be sure to enter the check number and check date.
  5. Enter the pay period ending date for this check. The pay period ending is used to determine which payroll tax tables to use when determining federal and state withholding.
  6. Enter the employee identification number for this check. The employee withholding and deduction informatin will be pulled from the employee file to be used for calculations in this check.
  7. Enter the the correct hours and edit the wage rates if necessary. The employee wages per wage type ( regular, overtime, etc ) will be calculated as you enter the hours and rates.
  8. Enter the deductions or additional income entries needed for this check. The employee's standard deductions should be already in place. They are pulled from the employee standard deduction file when the employee number is entered. Deduction and income entries may be editted if necessary. Add any additional deduction or income entries needed for this paycheck.
  9. Federal and State withholding taxes are calculated as you make your wage and deduction/income entries.
  10. When you have completed your entries, choose the Ok button to save the information.
  11. Choose the Cancel button if you wish to cancel any changes to the Employee Check record.

Note:  There are two check types available for entry,  ‘Manual’ Checks and ‘Computer’ Checks.  Computer checks are those checks that are entered into the accounting system and the system prints the checks during posting.  Manual Checks are checks that have been hand written, or were written on a prior system and are being entered in order for the checks to be recorded in payroll check history.  The check type is the first selection on the entry screen.  Once this selection is made and the check entry has been ‘Ok’d’, this entry cannot be changed.  Manual Checks and Computer Checks cannot be entered together at the same time.


To edit a Employee Check:

  1. From the Document Entry menu, choose Employee Checks.
  2. In the Employee Check Browse window, choose the Edit button at the bottom right.
  3. Edit the Employee Check information as needed
  4. When you have completed your entries, choose the Ok button to save the information.
  5. Choose the Cancel button if you wish to cancel any changes to the Employee Check record.

To delete a Employee Check:

  1. From the Document Entry menu, choose Employee Checks.
  2. In the Employee Check Browse window, choose the Delete button at the bottom right.
  3. Choose the Yes button to delete the Employee Check record.
  4. Choose the No button if you do not wish to delete the Employee Check record.

To preview / print the Employee Check edit reports:

  1. From the Document Entry menu, choose Employee Checks.
  2. In the Employee Check Browse window, choose the Employee Check Reports menu option at the upper left.
  3. Choose the View By option for how the reports will be ordered. The options are:
  4. Choose the print range.  The options are:
  5. Choose which report you wish to print. The options are:
  6. Choose the Print Report button.
  7. The print preview window will appear. Use the page view buttons to size the previewed report, and the page navigator buttons to  scroll forward and backward thru the report pages.
  8. To send to the printer, click on the Printer Speed Button at the top left of the print preview screen.
  9. The printer dialog box will appear.  Make any changes necessary.  You may change the number of copies, page range, and the designated printer.
  10. Choose the Ok button to send the report to the printer.
  11. Choose the Close button to end the print preview.

To print / post the Employee Checks:

Employee Payroll Checks do not update employee history immediately as they are entered. They must be posted in order to update the employee history. When posted, the checks are removed from the entry/edit area and added to and maintained in the history file. Posting also creates the general ledger distribution for the payroll check transactions. Distribution is based on the general ledger accounts set up in the company parameters setup screen and the employee file.  If the checks to be posted are computer checks, the checks will be printed before any other action takes place.  No checks are printed for manual checks.

The options for Payroll Check Posting are:

  1. From the Document Entry menu, choose Employee Checks.
  2. In the Employee Check Browse window, choose the Post Checks menu option at the upper left.
  3. Choose the posting options you want. Options that are checked will be performed during the posting operation. The options are:
  4. Choose the Start Posting button.
  5. If the print posting reports options were checked, the print preview windows will appear.
    1. Use the page view buttons to size the previewed report, and the page navigator buttons to scroll forward and backward thru the report pages.
    2. To send to the printer, click on the Printer Speed Button at the top left of the print preview screen.
    3. The printer dialog box will appear.  Make any changes necessary.  You may change the number of copies, page range, and the designated printer.
    4. Choose the Ok button to send the report to the printer.
    5. Choose the Close button to end the print preview.
    6. Click on the Ok button if the report was printed correctly. If the report did not print out correctly, choose the No button to reprint the report, or the Cancel button to cancel the posting operation.
  6. The posting operation will begin.
  7. When the posting operation has completed, a message will appear "Check Posting Completed.".
  8. Click on the Ok button to complete the posting operation and return to the Employee Check Browse window.
