Vendor Checks
The Vendor Check area allows you to enter manual and computer
checks to pay your vendors. A manual check is a check that was originally written
manually using your checkbook. A vendor check is entered, changed as needed,
and then printed/posted. Manual checks are not printed on check stock like computer
checks. They are simply recorded as occurring.
When posted, vendor checks update the vendor aging file, vendor
files, and are stored in the vendor check document history files. Checks create
general ledger distribution to update your checking acccount and the accounts
payable account if invoices were being paid from the vendor aging files, and/or
based on the general ledger accounts for each check line item entered if a non-payables
item. Accounts Payable line items and Non-Accounts Payable items can be entered
on the same check.
The company inventory will be updated with the inventory item
quantities, last cost, and updated for average cost if entered as By Inventory
Item. This will replace the Inventory Receiving procedure for those inventory
Check Screens
Check Browse Screen

Check Entry Screen

Check Entry Screen - Detail - Non Payables Line Item

Check Entry Screen - Detail - Payables Line Item

Check Entry Screen - Open Payables Selection Screen

Vendor Check Data
- Vendor Number: The vendor number for this vendor Check.
- Check Number: The Check number for this document. Must be unique.
It cannot be the same as a document already in Vendor Check History for
this vendor.
- Check Date: The Check date.
- Check Total: The total Check amount as shown on the Check.
- Check Memo: A short memo used as a reminder of what this Check
- A/P Account: The accounts payable general ledger account to be updated
when the document is posted.
- Terms: The terms allowed by this vendor for your company on this
- Due Days: The number of days until the document is due.
- Discount Days: The number of days allowed for a discount to be taken.
- Discount Pct.: The discount percentage used to calculate the discount
to be taken.
- Due Date: The date the document must be paid by.
- Discount Date: The date the document must be paid by to be allowed
to take a discount.
- Discount Amount: The amount of discount that has been calculated.
- Line Item Entry:
- By Inventory Item: Non-Stock items should be entered By Expense
and not By Inventory Item.
- Item Number: The inventory item number from the company inventory
file or vendor price list.
- Item Description: The item description as pulled from the
inventory file or vendor price list. The description may be changed.
- Quantity: The quantity purchased as shown on the Check.
- Cost: The cost of the item as pulled from the inventory file.
This item can be changed.
- Unit: The sales unit of this item such as "Ea.",
"Ft.", "Box" etc.
- Total: The extended cost of the item as calculated ( Quantity
times the Cost ).
- G/L Account: The general ledger account used for general
ledger distribution.
- Job Id.: The job number to be associated with this document.
- Job Cost Code: If a job number was entered on the Check,
a job cost code for this item is required. The job cost code provides
for distribution with the job based on the job cost codes.
- By Expense Account:
- G/L Account: The general ledger account used for general ledger
- Job Id.: The job number to be associated with this document.
- Job Cost Code: If a job number was entered on the Check,
a job cost code for this item is required. The job cost code provides
for distribution with the job based on the job cost codes.
- Amount: The amount to be expensed with this document.
To enter
a new Vendor Check:
- From the Document Entry menu, choose Vendor Checks.
- In the Vendor Check Browse window, choose the New button at the bottom
- The check entry number is a system generated number from the company parameters
file. This number does not correlate to actual check if a manual check or
the assigned check number if a computer check.
- Choose whether this will be a computer check to be printed on check stock
or a manual check that has previously been written out of your checkbook.
- If the check is a manual check, the check number and date must be entered.
- Enter the vendor number from the vendor file for this check.
- Complete the remainder of the check by choosing vendor invoices to be paid
or adding line items to pay a document not yet entered in the system.
- When you have completed your entries, choose the Ok button to save the
- Choose the Cancel button if you wish to cancel the Vendor Check entry.
edit a Vendor Check:
- From the Document Entry menu, choose Vendor Checks.
- In the Vendor Check Browse window, choose the Edit button at the bottom
- Edit the Vendor Check information as needed
- When you have completed your entries, choose the Ok button to save the
- Choose the Cancel button if you wish to cancel any changes to the Vendor Check record.
delete a Vendor Check:
- From the Document Entry menu, choose Vendor Checks.
- In the Vendor Check Browse window, choose the Delete button at the
bottom right.
- Choose the Yes button to delete the Vendor Check record.
- Choose the No button if you do not wish to delete the Vendor Check

preview / print the Vendor Check edit reports:
- From the Document Entry menu, choose Vendor Checks.
- In the Vendor Check Browse window, choose the Vendor Check Reports
menu option at the upper left.
- Choose the View By option for how the reports will be ordered. The options
- By Check Entry
- By Check Number
- Choose the print range. The options are:
- All
- By selected range. If by selected range, you may choose the beginning
and ending for the report, including the beginning and ending estimate
- Custom Filter
- Choose which report you wish to print. The options are:
- Summary Check Report
- Detailed Check Report
- Choose the Print Report button.
- The print preview window will appear. Use the page view buttons to size
the previewed report, and the page navigator buttons to scroll forward and
backward thru the report pages.
- To send to the printer, click on the Printer Speed Button at the top left
of the print preview screen.
- The printer dialog box will appear. Make any changes necessary. You may
change the number of copies, page range, and the designated printer.
- Choose the Ok button to send the report to the printer.
- Choose the Close button to end the print preview.

print / post the Vendor Checks:
- From the Document Entry menu, choose Vendor Checks.
- In the Vendor Check Browse window, choose the Post Checks menu option at
the upper left.
- Choose the posting options you want. Options that are checked will be performed
during the posting operation. The options are:
- Print with Preview to Screen
- Print Summary Posting Report
- Print Detailed Posting Report
- Perform G/L Distribution
- Print G/L Distribution Report
- Checking Account
- Check Print Format
- Laser All-Purpose
- Laser Pre-Printed
- Dot Matrix All-Purpose
- Dot Matrix Pre-Printed
- Check Number
- Check Date
- Default Printer for Checks
- Choose the Start Posting button.
- If the print posting reports options were checked, the print preview windows
will appear.
- Use the page view buttons to size the previewed report, and the page
navigator buttons to scroll forward and backward thru the report pages.
- To send to the printer, click on the Printer Speed Button at the top
left of the print preview screen.
- The printer dialog box will appear. Make any changes necessary. You
may change the number of copies, page range, and the designated printer.
- Choose the Ok button to send the report to the printer.
- Choose the Close button to end the print preview.
- Click on the Ok button if the report was printed correctly. If the report
did not print out correctly, choose the No button to reprint the report,
or the Cancel button to cancel the posting operation.
- The posting operation will begin.
- When the posting operation has completed, a message will appear "Check
Posting Completed.".
- Click on the Ok button to complete the posting operation and return to the
Vendor Check Browse window.